% ================================================================= :- pred constr(bool). :- mode constr(in). :- ignore constr/1. % ================================================================= % Program % rev(L,R): % list R is the reversal of list L :- pred rev(list(int),list(int)). :- mode rev(in,out). rev([X],[Y]). % errors: [X] --> [] and [Y] --> [] rev([H|T],R) :- rev(T,S), snoc(S,H,R). % snoc(L,X,S): % list S is obtained by adding element X at the end of list L :- pred snoc(list(int),int,list(int)). :- mode snoc(in,in,out). snoc([],X,[X]). snoc([X|Xs],Y,[X|Zs]) :- snoc(Xs,Y,Zs). % ================================================================= % Catamorphisms % ------ hd(L,IsDef,Hd): IsDef is true iff L is a nonempty list and % if IsDef=true then Hd is the head of L :- pred hd(list(int),bool,int). :- mode hd(in,out,out). :- cata hd/3-1. hd([],IsDef,Hd) :- constr((~IsDef) & (Hd=0)). % 0 can be any int. hd([H|T],IsDef,Hd) :- constr(IsDef & (Hd=H)). % ------ isASorted(L,Res): % Res= true iff L is weakly-ascending. :- pred isASorted(list(int),bool). :- mode isASorted(in,out). :- cata isASorted/2-1. isASorted([],Res) :- constr(Res). isASorted([H|T],Res) :- hd(T,IsDefT,HdT), isASorted(T,ResT), constr(Res = (IsDefT => (H= (H>=HdT & ResT))). % ------ listMin(L,IsDef,Min): IsDef=true iff L is a nonempty list and % if IsDef then Min is the minimum element on the list L :- pred listMin(list(int),bool,int). :- mode listMin(in,out,out). :- cata listMin/3-1. listMin([],IsDef,Min) :- constr( (~IsDef) & Min=0 ). % 0 can be any int. listMin([H|T],IsDef,Min) :- listMin(T,IsDefT,MinT), constr( (IsDef & (Min = ite(IsDefT, ite(H=8>=7>=... :- pred ff1. ff1 :- constr( ~(BL=BR) ), isASorted(L,BL), rev(L,R), isDSorted(R,BR). % ------ Verification of contract on snoc: :- pred ff2. ff2 :- constr( ~(BE => (BA=BC)) ), isDSorted(A,BA), leq_all(X,A,BE), snoc(A,X,C), isDSorted(C,BC). % ========================================================== :- query ff1/0. :- query ff2/0. % ==========================================================