% ================================================================= :- pred constr(bool). :- mode constr(in). :- ignore constr/1. % ==================================================== % Program. :- pred perm(list(int),list(int)). :- mode perm(in,in). % in,in: perm is not functional perm([],[]). perm([X|Xs],[H|Perm]):- cons(X,Xs,XXs), delete(H,XXs,Rest), perm(Rest,Perm). :- pred delete(int,list(int),list(int)). :- mode delete(in,in,in). % delete is not total delete(X,[Y|T],T) :- constr(X=Y). % Taking X away from [Y|T]. Deleting exactly one copy of X. delete(X,[Y|T],TD) :- % The list need not be ordered. The element X need not be the minimum. constr(~(X=Y)), % delete(X,L,LD) succeeds **IFF** X is a member of L. delete(X,T,TD). % error: TD in head should be [Y|TD] :- pred cons(int,list(int),list(int)). :- mode cons(in,in,out). cons(H,T,[H|T]). % ==================================================== % catamorphisms :- pred length(list(int),int). :- mode length(in,out). :- cata length/2-1. length([],L) :- L=0. length([H|T],L) :- L=(LT+1), length(T,LT). % ==================================================== % Contract on perm: % verification. % Property: :- pred ff1. ff1 :- % perm constr( ~(LL=LLP)), length(L,LL), length(LP,LLP), perm(L,LP). :- pred ff2. ff2 :- % delete. *** L is assumed to be not empty. constr( ~(LLD = (LL-1)) ), length(L,LL), length(LD,LLD), delete(H,L,LD). % delete(X,L,LD) succeeds iff X is a member of L. :- pred ff3. ff3 :- % cons constr( ~(LHT =(LT+1)) ), length(T,LT), length(HT,LHT), cons(H,T,HT). % ================================================================= :- query ff1/0. :- query ff2/0. :- query ff3/0. % =================================================================