% ================================================================= :- pred constr(bool). :- mode constr(in). :- ignore constr/1. % ================================================================= % Program. ascending sorting (ascending because we take the minimum) :- pred selectionsort(list(int),list(int)). :- mode selectionsort(in,out). selectionsort([],[]). selectionsort([H|T],[Min|T1]) :- cons(H,T,HT), listMin(HT,IsDef,Min), % HT is not empty. IsDef is true delete(Min,HT,L1), % Taking the minimum away from list HT selectionsort(L1,T1). :- pred delete(int,list(int),list(int)). :- mode delete(in,in,in). %delete(X,[],[]). % delete is not total delete(X,[Y|T],T) :- constr(X=Y). % taking X away from [Y|T]. delete(X,[Y|T],[Y|TD]) :- % Deleting exactly one copy of X only. constr(~(X=Y)), % The list is not ordered. delete(X,T,TD). % The element X need not be the minimum. :- pred cons(int,list(int),list(int)). :- mode cons(in,in,out). cons(H,T,[H|T]). % ================================================================= % catamorphism :- pred listMin(list(int),bool,int). :- mode listMin(in,out,out). :- cata listMin/3-1. listMin([],IsDef,A) :- constr( (~IsDef) & (A=0) ). % 0 can be any int listMin([H|T],IsDef,Min) :- constr( (IsDef & ( Min = ite(IsDefT, ite(H