:- pred constr(bool). :- mode constr(in). :- ignore constr/1. :- type tree(int) ---> leaf ; node( int, tree(int), tree(int) ). % leaf is the EMPTY tree. DUPLICATES ARE ALLOWED. % ========================================================== % Program: treesort: % list L of integers % --> (by bstinsert_list in) tree T of integers % --> (by in-order visit of T) sorted list S of integers % S is sorted in WEAKLY ASCENDING order *** WITH duplicates*** % --- treesort :- pred treesort(list(int),list(int)). :- mode treesort(in,out). treesort(L,S) :- bstinsert_list(L,T), % making a bstree visit(T,S). % visiting the tree % --- bstinsert :- pred bstinsert(int,tree(int),tree(int)). :- mode bstinsert(in,in,out). bstinsert(X,leaf,node(X,leaf,leaf)). bstinsert(X,node(A,L,R), node(A,L1,R)) :- constr(X=A), bstinsert(X,R,R1). % --- bstinsert_list :- pred bstinsert_list(list(int),tree(int)). :- mode bstinsert_list(in,out). bstinsert_list([],leaf). bstinsert_list([X|Xs],T) :- bstinsert_list(Xs,T1), bstinsert(X,T1,T). % --- visit :- pred visit(tree(int),list(int)). % in-order visit of the tree: :- mode visit(in,out). % left-tree --> root --> right-tree visit(leaf,[]). visit(node(A,L,R), Xs) :- visit(L,XL), visit(R,XR), concat4(XL,A,XR,Xs). % --- concat4 :- pred concat4(list(int),int,list(int),list(int)). :- mode concat4(in,in,in,out). concat4([],X,Ys,[X|Ys]). concat4([X|Xs],Y,Ys,[X|Zs]) :- concat4(Xs,Y,Ys,Zs). % ========================================================== % Catamorphisms. %----- treesum --- sum of integers in nodes of the given binary tree. :- pred treesum(tree(int),int). :- mode treesum(in,out). :- cata treesum/2-1. treesum(leaf,Res) :- Res=0. treesum(node(A,L,R),Res) :- Res=((ResL+ResR)+A), treesum(L,ResL), treesum(R,ResR). %----- listsum --- sum of integers in nodes of the given list. :- pred listsum(list(int),int). :- mode listsum(in,out). :- cata listsum/2-1. listsum([],S) :- S=0. listsum([H|T],S) :- S=(H+ST), listsum(T,ST). %============================================== % Verification :- pred ff1. ff1 :- constr( ~(LS=SS)), listsum(L,LS), listsum(S,SS), treesort(L,S). % contracts (postcondition: true) :- spec bstinsert(X,T1,T2) ==> treesum(T1,ST1), treesum(T2,ST2). :- spec bstinsert_list(L,T) ==> listsum(L,SL), treesum(T,ST). :- spec visit(T,L) ==> treesum(T,ST), listsum(L,SL). :- spec concat4(Xs,Y,Ys,Zs) ==> listsum(Xs,SXs), listsum(Ys,SYs), listsum(Zs,SZs). %============================================== :- query ff1/0. %==============================================